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Pregnancy Loss Sharing Circle with Carlotta Bozzetti and Cher Brighton

In the UK, it is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss during pregnancy or birth. Yet there is very little acknowledgement of the emotional and spiritual impact that these events can have on families. The support that is needed to process the grief and begin to heal is often lacking, and individuals and couples are left with their difficult emotions, alone.

We welcome to this circle women, partners and men who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or infant loss.

By gathering in circle, participants have the opportunity to be witnessed in their full experience and to acknowledge the wide range of emotions that surround pregnancy and birth loss such as sadness, guilt, anger, and emptiness, within a supportive container.

In the safe space of the circle you can expect:

· Opening circle – sharing time

· Gentle movement – restorative yoga

· Letter writing

· Meditation

· Closing circle

We invite the participants to bring to the circle some papers and a pen, and also an item (this could be an object, a picture etc.) that holds meaning for them.

Every pregnancy is a rite of passage, and we will use rituals to acknowledge and honour your experience.
